Meet The Pack
Do you ever wonder who your dogs are hanging out with at camp? Who is teaching them how to romp? Who they are learning good manners from? Well we are here to introduce you!
Our pack will always be growing and changing with time. Some have passed away, and others are yet to come. The dogs featured below made up our pack when we started this journey. Each of them were/are unique in their contributions to our family, business, and personal lives. We owe them everything.

Hi, I'm Precious! Sometimes they call me "Presh".
I’ve been around these parts longer than the rest of my pack, in fact I’ll be 20 years old in 2024! I know, hard to believe, right? Although I am enjoying retirement now l used to love romping and walking with my pack. Sometimes the humans call me lazy but I prefer the term “low energy”. I spend most of my days lounging on the couch or sniffing around the yard but occasionally old ladies get the zoomies too!

I'm Zoey AKA Big Zo!
I’m a high drive, full bred german shepherd. Nate was only 14 when he got me and I had A LOT to teach him. I’m not your average dog, l used to walk 7 miles a day. They tried to slow me down by tying my pack mates Molly (RIP) and Precious to me, but there’s no slowing ME down! There’s nothing that makes me happier than trotting around with a big stick!!!

Well hello there, my name is Misty!
They call me that on account of my misty blue eyes! I’m not your typical high energy husky. I enjoy walking with my pack but I tire out quickly. I am VERY vocal when I romp with my friends and I’m not afraid to talk back to my humans. NOTHING makes me happier than a nice snowy day!

I'm Nala, but they often call me "Nally Bear"!
I was abandoned in a hurricane and lived on the streets for a little bit back in the day. Some people feel bad for me but I think it made me STRONGER…. although I was not a fan of water for a while after that. My life is AWESOME now! I love to swim and walk and run and hike and bark and eat and most of all I LOVE my pack!!!

My name is Nymeria and I love to love!
Nate got me when I was only four weeks old and started teaching me right away how to be a good girl. Now, I specialize in teaching new dogs how to be happy AND behaved at the same time. My hobbies include tail flapping, butt-wiggling, snooting, tapping my feet, belly rubs, giving kisses, smashing my face into my humans, and SO MUCH MORE!!!

Hello, my name is Mr. Bowman.
My friends call me Big Bow. I weigh 110Ibs (on a good day) I can’t help but wiggle my butt when it’s time for my favorite activity: going for a walk! I also enjoy romping with my best friend, Nugget, and all my other friends at day camp. I get very offended when people do not want to pet me and I specialize in snuggling, snoozing, and swimming.

Who are you!? I'm Nash!
…and I don’t like strangers! Oh, you want to know about me? Well, I guess we can be friends BUT we are going to have to take things slow…. I didn’t join the pack until I was 5, but better late than never! If you really want to win my heart you will have to take me for a RUN or a ROLLER BLADE session!
Those are my favorite activities!

I'm Goose but I go by many names.
Some people call me Big Head, others call me Meatball…the list goes on and on. I am a high energy doggo but I also love a good snuggle session. There’s nothin’ like curling up under the blanket with a nice warm human! I like to burn off energy by walking with my pack, catching frisbee, running on the treadmill, tracking in the woods, and my ALL TIME FAVORITE activity is SWIMMING!!! They say I am 100% pitbull but Mama is convinced I’m part fish.

My name is Tuco
Well hello there, scratch my butt please. My name is Tuco but I’ve been called so many names I’ll respond to anything at this point…humans, am I right? I was found in a box on the side of the road along with the rest of my litter when I was just a few days old. Luckily, a REALLY cool lady found us and set us up with furever homes! I joined the pack when I was 7 months old and my life has been FRIGGIN AWESOME ever since!!!

Hi, I'm Thrash.
My relationship with the pack didn’t exactly start off great.
I ended up sending pack leader to the hospital. My old humans were going to put me down after that, but Nate didn’t want to give up on me. He knew what I needed was a high level of structure. I’ve been with the pack for two and a half years now, and I now know how to trust and respect humans again. If you scratch my butt, I’ll make demogorgon noises to show my happiness. If you’re lucky, you might just get a kiss too.

I'm Nate.
When I was seven years old my family dog slipped out the front door and tragically got hit by a car.
From that point on I consumed as much information as I could on how to create loyalty with my dogs so they would never run away again. My German Shepherd, Zoey, was my first real challenge and I learned so many lessons from raising her, some the hard way. My pack is made up of different dogs all coming from various backgrounds with unique problems but all happy dogs now. I have learned so many lessons from raising my pack that I now get to share with my clients to help bring happiness to their homes as well.

Hi, I'm Jodi.
After an unfortunate incident when I was three, I became terrified of dogs. Until one day when I got home from school and my mom was standing outside waiting, with a dog. She volunteered to watch her friend’s shelty, who was very well behaved. He was there for a week so I had no choice but to get used to him and eventually learn to love him.
After that I slowly but surely learned to trust dogs again. By the time I graduated high school I was not afraid anymore and to everyone’s surprise decided to get my own puppy. I was young and uneducated and I had to learn some lessons the hard way but I wouldn’t trade Goose for the world. Once I met Nate and learned about dog psychology | realized this was the road I was meant to take. Now I have an amazing relationship with all my dogs and I get to help other people learn about the importance of communicating with dogs on a dog’s level.
Our staff go above and beyond what is expected of typical employees. They are invaluable additions to the team and will forever be a part of our pack

Hi, I'm Jayara and this is my dog, Tuco.
I got my first dog when I was an infant, and that’s where my love for animals began. I was obsessed with my Doberman, Kia. At the age of 5, my family moved and we were no longer able to keep him, I was heartbroken. My relationship with Kia sparked my career path. I knew | wanted to be apart of educating people so that they can live with their dogs, in a way that both human and canine are fulfilled.

Hi l'm Tuco! Aka: other tuco, lil snook, or "rat" by the pack leader.
I joined the pack at just 5 months old. I love pets from strangers, and will give you lickies if you scratch my neck or butt. My favorite thing in the whole world, besides my mom, is to zoomie around a big field. If you chase me, bonus! When I’m not doing that I’m helping mom with work or romping with my cat sister.

I'm Dane.
I supervise the dogs that stay here at Bowser’s. I wanted to work with dogs because I knew it would help me and the dogs I work with live healthier and happier lives.
My favorite activity to do with the dogs is walk. I love a nice, peaceful walk with a couple pups to keep me company! About 7 months into working here I decided to adopt Kemba, a dog who was here for Behavioral Rehabilitation. He was sent by a local rescue to work on reactivity and aggression. He needed a home and I knew I could provide a good one for him. Kemba is my first dog ever and is teaching me so many lessons. Most importantly, not to leave any leftovers out when I’m not around!

My name is Kemba!
…and I am a 2 year old pittie mix. I came to Bowser’s to work on my nervousness and fear. My foster dad had a pretty cool dog that taught me I did not have to be scared of him so Bowser’s knew that bringing me into the pack would be the key to helping me trust humans again. Then the best thing ever happened – Dane took me home! I’m still a bit weary around strangers but once I warm up to you I’m really very sweet and loving. I absolutely love to romp with my room mate, Quakey, but my favorite activity is cuddling up next to my pack leader, Dane.